Capture the Market Sentiment with our Augmented AI.

SENTIMENT Lab ™ (jointly developed with ALASA) is a powerful AI solution that revolutionizes sentiment analysis in the financial domain. By extracting sentiment from a vast array of financial news articles and aggregating it by stocks, portfolios, indices, and sectors, Sentiment Lab empowers investors and financial professionals with actionable insights to make informed decisions. With its advanced NLP algorithms, interactive visualizations, and real-time updates, Sentiment Lab is a valuable tool for staying ahead of market sentiment trends and gaining a competitive edge in the financial world.


Sentiment Lab is a cutting-edge AI solution meticulously designed to extract sentiment from financial news and provide comprehensive sentiment analysis for various financial entities such as stocks, portfolios, indices, and sectors. By leveraging advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning algorithms, Sentiment Lab empowers investors, traders, and financial institutions with valuable insights into market sentiment and helps them make informed decisions.

Data Collection and Aggregation

Sentiment Lab aggregates a vast amount of financial news data from a diverse range of trusted sources. With access to over 250,000 news articles per day from 13,500 global sources, the system ensures comprehensive coverage of the financial landscape.

Sentiment Extraction

Sentiment Lab employs sophisticated NLP algorithms to extract sentiment from the collected news articles. These algorithms analyze the textual content, identifying positive, negative, and neutral sentiments expressed within the news. By capturing subtle nuances and context, Sentiment Lab provides a nuanced understanding of sentiment, going beyond simple polarity.

Aggregation by Stock, Portfolio, Index, and Sector

One of the key strengths of Sentiment Lab is its ability to aggregate sentiment data at different levels of granularity. It allows users to analyze sentiment on an individual stock level, providing insights into how news sentiment impacts specific companies. Additionally, users can evaluate sentiment within their portfolios, gaining a holistic view of sentiment across their entire investment holdings. Moreover, Sentiment Lab offers sentiment analysis for market indices and sectors, enabling users to understand broader market sentiment trends.

Visualization and Insights

Sentiment Lab presents sentiment analysis results through intuitive and interactive visualizations. Users can explore sentiment trends over time, compare sentiment across different entities, and identify patterns and correlations. The platform provides sentiment scores, sentiment distribution charts, sentiment heatmaps, and sentiment change indicators to facilitate in-depth analysis and decision-making.

Real-time Updates and Alerts

Sentiment Lab continuously monitors news sources, ensuring real-time updates on sentiment-related developments. Users can set up personalized alerts based on specific stocks, portfolios, indices, or sectors of interest. This feature enables timely notifications about significant sentiment shifts and helps users stay ahead of market sentiment changes.

Integration and Customization

Sentiment Lab is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing financial systems and workflows. It offers flexible APIs and data export options, allowing users to integrate sentiment data into their proprietary tools and applications. Furthermore, users can customize sentiment analysis parameters and tailor the system to their specific needs, ensuring accurate and relevant sentiment insights.

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Stock Market Prediction

Statistical evidence shows a clear correlation between the movement of stock prices and the publication of news articles. In addition, sentiment captured from financial news can have some predictive power that can be harnessed by portfolio and risk managers.

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144+ million labelled articles

3.9+ million social posts

250k+ articles analysed per day

460k+ financial instruments

13’500 global sources & financial providers

10+ years of history